Coat of arms of the Russian Federation

Vologda region

Герб Вологодская область

The Vologda region is geographically located in the north-west of the European part of Russia and is a subject of the North-Western Federal District. The regional center is Vologda. Cherepovets can also be distinguished from large cities. From north to south the Vologda region stretches for 400 kilometers, from west to east - 700 kilometers. The population is almost 97% Russian. The Vologda Region is located on the East European Plain. The topography of the region is dominated by lowlands and hills, as well as ridges. Due to unevenness, there are many marshes and lakes here. Marshes occupy more than a tenth of the area of ​​the region and are concentrated in its western part.

The great abundance of rivers is favored by the terrain and the fact that the region is located between the basins of the two oceans: the Atlantic and the Arctic, and also the Caspian Sea. Among the major rivers of the region can be identified Sukhona and its tributaries Vologda and Dvinitsa, the South with the tributary of Luza, Moluga and Chagodoshu, Sheksna and others. The rivers have snow-fed food, so the spill and the fullest period is in April.


Climatic conditions are typical for taiga: the climate is temperate-continental, with fairly warm wet winters, the average temperature of which is about -12 ° C and cool in summer with average temperature in the region of + 15 ° C. Precipitation is frequent and abundant. The snow lies about half a year.


Природа края соответствует средней и южной тайге. Большая часть рельефа покрыта лесами, так как болотная почва достаточно плодородна. Преобладают хвойные деревья, такие как сосны, разные виды елей, пихты и лиственницы. Из лиственных пород достаточно много берез, ольх, осин, растет в некотором количестве липа, клены, вязы, ясени, дубы и лещина.


Abundant forests are inhabited by typical taiga animals. From large animals it is possible to allocate brown bears, moose, wolves. From small - Fox, hares, Wolverine, martens, badgers. The abundance of reservoirs gives many kinds of freshwater fish, such as perches, pike, salmon, bream, pike perch and others. Birds are represented by traditional northern species: grouse, partridge, black grouse.

In different parts of the region there are many reserved places. In the province there are about 200 nature protection zones, among which are the Russian North and the Darwin Reserve. From natural resources it is possible to allocate the big stocks of wood and huge hydro resources. In the region minerals, salt and peat are mined.

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