Coat of arms of the Russian Federation

Primorsky Krai

Герб Приморский край

Primorsky Krai is located in the Far East in the southeastern side of the Russian Federation on the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan. It occupies the territory of 165900 km.kv., which is about 0,97 percent of the total area of ​​the country.

The Primorye Territory is a medium-sized region. Nevertheless, its territory is larger than Iceland, Bulgaria, Greece. Geographical location is advantageous due to the presence of geopolitical features, free access to the Pacific Ocean, the vastness of the territory.

Islands in the composition

Помимо материковой части земли в край входят различные острова. Свои названия они получили в честь известных русских мореплавателей, открывших Дальние территории, моря, и занимавшихся исследованиями. Среди островов наиболее известные: Петрова, Римского-Корсакова, Попова, Путятина, Русский. Имеются острова с названиями в честь отечественных судов, на которых проходили путешествия с целью исследовать земли, например, Аскольд.


The northern point of the region is located near the sources of the river Dagda, which is the tributary of the river Samargi. The western point is near the source of the river Nivgorodovka, bordering China. At the mouth of the River Tumannaya (other names - Tumyntszyan, Tumangan) is the most extreme southern point bordering Korea. The extreme point on the eastern side is the Golden Cape, located on the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan.


Today, Primorsky Krai is inhabited by Russians, Koreans, Ukrainians, Tatars, Uzbeks, Byelorussians, Armenians and representatives of other nationalities. In total, about 1,929 million people live on the territory of the region.


Приморский край отличается уникальной природой. На его территории имеется 6 огромных заповедников и 1 заказник. В естественной среде обитания можно увидеть различных редких животных, а также полюбоваться удивительной флорой.

Attractions and Resorts

Shaiginskoe fortified settlement - this monument belongs to the ancient civilization of the Jurchens or to the Jing state. It was created even before the Mongol invasions. Tourists can see the old ruins of the commercial part of the city.

Vladivostok fortress is considered a formidable monument, representing the defensive architecture of the region. Contains 130 forts. Year of construction - 1878. Currently in the building are museums.

Resorts are well known since the time of the USSR. Shmatovka attracts tourists with carbonic acid mineral water, which has a curative effect. On the shore of the Pacific Ocean there are clinics with sulfide silt mud - a natural medicine that allows treating skin diseases.

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