Coat of arms of the Russian Federation

Orenburg region

Coat of arms of the Orenburg region

One of those regions that every resident of the planet is obliged to visit is the Orenburg region. If you live in Russia or near it and have never been to this area, you have lost a lot. Unique natural objects, picturesque nature reserves, majestic forests, amazing waterways, calm mountains, monumental architecture and many other things - all this is in the possession of the Orenburg region. This is an incredibly rich region. There are so many sights that you can not list or even look at in a week!

If you decided to travel to the Orenburg region, the first thing you must visit is the Orenburg Reserve, which became the pride of not only local residents, but all of Russia, and is a kind of symbol of the Orenburg region. An incredible variety of landscape bends, beautiful plants, the rarest animals and many other interesting objects - all this natural splendor is located on its expanses Orenburg reserve.

По-настоящему не тронутая рукой человека земля, уникальнейшее в своём роде место – Орловская степь. На многие километры простираются перед взором посетителей невесомые волны ковыля. Барсуки, зайцы-русаки, перепелы и многие жругие редчайшие животные спокойно проживают и бережно охраняются в Орловской степи. Это ещё одно место, на посещение которого не стоит жалеть своего драгоценного времени. Любование этими поистине русскими просторами – лучшее отдохновение и наслаждение для души и тела.

The Kamsak gorge strikes with its greatness - a place of extraordinary beauty. Surprising tourists are the quaint Camel Mountain of this region. Sorochinskoe reservoir is beautiful in its tranquility.

Have time to come to the Orenburg region to admire an unusually beautiful precipice, called the Red Cliff. Unfortunately, under the influence of water waves from this unique place, nothing will remain with time.

If you want to admire the magnificent example of traditional architecture, then you need to look inside the Fairy Terem in the "National Compound", erected absolutely without the help of nails.

Majestically flaunts Orenburg Nicholas Cathedral, associated with many inexplicable wonders. The most important place is the Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan, and in the village of Krasnye Kluchi more than 100 years ago the Archangel Michael Church is located.

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